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 Supersonic's Various Stories

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Posts : 158
Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

Supersonic's Various Stories Empty
PostSubject: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 4:16 pm

Here, I'm going to post many of the short stories I have written. Some are going to be incomplete(which I shall finish here), and some are going to be rewritten.

First up is one I'm going to rewrite a little, just to add more details and things.
It's basically a real life game of Mafia/werewolf. Only it's not 'real', it's a story. But to the characters, it's real.

Werewolf- The Murder Mystery
The sun was just beginning to set on the cool autumn day, casting an orange light on the dark mansion. The shutters on the windows of the highest floor were broken, while the lowest floor's were tightly together, giving the same "there is no escape" feel that the heavy iron doors did.
The figure in black tapped its fingers on the desk while watching the ten people walk through the gate. One by one, they went up the path and were led into a room inside the mansion. As the last person came into view, the figure smiled evilly, for it knew only one would walk out. Unexpectantly, the person on the path looked up at the highest window, but there wasn't even a slight movement of a curtain to indicate someone had been standing there.

And so it began.
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Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 4:29 pm

The room was very large, with high walls covered in tapestries and incredibly detailed paintings. Tall windows were covered with curtains as black as the night, allowing no light to pass through. The soft carpeting was a dark shade of mauve, covered with a long, blood red Oriental rug. Upon this rug was a grand table with the ability to seat many people. It was here the visiters sat, curious and confused. Looking around, they realized that while they had seen each other before, they didn't know anyone well.
The enormous wooden doors were slammed shut. Some of the people jumped, then looked scared as the sound of heels clicking on the ground was met with the appearence of no one.
"Greetings," said a voice. Everyone turned and saw a mysterious figure standing by the marble fireplace. Dressed all in black and with a mask, it was impossible to tell who-or what gender- this person was.
"You must be wondering why I called you all here." it began. "Well, we are going to play a little... game soon. I shall leave you to introductions in a moment, then return with the...rules." The person walked slowly to the door that they all doubted it entered through.
"But...who are you?" a woman with long black hair asked.
The figure stopped and said, without turning, "That...you don't need to know."

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Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 5:05 pm

The black-haired woman looked confused for a moment, then looked at the others. "Well, time for ze introductions! I am Mademoiselle Emelia. I am an actress!" Emelia's eyes were also black, which, added to her pale skin, made her look like a vampire. It didn't help that she was wearing a tight grey dress with sleeves that puffed out at the wrists and had a long swishy skirt. She spoke with a slight French accent.

A short man with brown hair cleared his throat. "My name is Mathias...I'm a baker." He was slightly pudgey and wore a messy apron. It was clear that he was poor judging by the old worn-out clothes under it.

A red-haired woman with chocolate brown eyes stood next. She wore a plain grey shirt and tan pants. "I'm Vittoria. I just moved here from a few towns over." She kept her uncaring gaze to the table and spoke in a soft voice.

"Same here," a blonde man said. "My name's Bert, I used to be a librarian and a teacher." He smiled in way that sent shivers down their spines, even though it appeared to be friendly. It could of had something to do with his tall height, or most likely, his eyes. Thay were icey blue, almost white.

"I'm Jenn, an author." A lady with long red-brown hair spoke up. She straightened out her red skirt and adjusted the coller of her white shirt. A pen was tucked under her left ear and a notebook poked out of her purse, proving her occupation.

"Call me...Jake." the man sitting in the corner said. His face was covered by his hat, making it impossible to tell his features. He wore black boots, black pants, a white shirt, and a leather jacket. He was the exact sort of person you don't want to run into at nighttime.

"I'm Claudia." the girl next to him said shyly. She blushed and let her soft blonde hair fall forward, blocking her small face. A tiny gold bracelet flashed on her wrist.

"Name's Paul." said the one next to her. He had shaggy brown hair and blue eyes, and wore slightly-expensive looking clothes.

"Erikson," announced a tall black haired man who didn't seem likely to share anything more about himself. Like Jake, he wasn't someone you'd likely want to meet. He wore a faded black jacket with jeans, and there was a bracelet on his wrist. A symbol was scratched into it, but it didn't mean anything to the others.

"Last but not least, my name is Susan." said a woman with curly blonde hair and glasses. She adjusted her red hat and crossed her arms in her white sweater. "Any idea why we're here?"

No answer.
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Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 5:51 pm

With one ear pressed to the door, the figure chuckled slightly. "Well, I think I've left them in there for long enough," he/she said to itself.
They swung the doors opened and swept into the room. "Now, let me explain how this little game works." they began, walking back towards the fireplace. "It is a game...of freedom. Each of you is trapped in your own way. Whoever wins, I shall lift-" it made a lifting gesture with its hands- "that trap from your shoulders. Of course, more than one of you may win, it all depends on how you play. I will, of course, help everyone who does wins."
"How do we play?" Mademoiselle Emeilia asked curiously.
From behind the mask, the person glared. "I was getting to that. Now you see..."
He or she went to the head of the table and placed their gloved hands on it. "Two of you have been recieving death threats for months. Two more of you are wanted for being assassins. Another two are in love-" this word was spoken with a scoff- ",against the wishes of your family and could possibly be disowned. One of you is being accused of murder. One more knows someone committing terrible crimes, but won't tell. One has been on the run from police for over eight years. The last is a vigilante of sorts who just wants to prove themselves." A pause to let this sink in.

"Now, the fun part. The two assassins shall decide who to kill, based on what the person did-or what they THINK the person did. No one knows who did what but me, you see. Then, everyone who is alive-including the assassins- will vote on who they think one of the killers was. And then, the one with the most votes shall die. I will then say if that person was an assassin or not-the point of the game being to vote out both- and share what they did.And so on and so on. If you vote out both assassins, congratulations, everyone alive wins! If not, meaning one or both assassins remain, I will be more then happy to let them join me." A smile. "I will seperate you in a moment for the first death; afterwards you have one hour to vote. Good luck."
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Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 7:33 pm

Everyone was left in shock. Death? Murder? Assassins, in this room?
"Follow me, please." one of the guards said. He led them down a blue hallway with many doors and left them. They each picked a room and waited, knowing they could be the first to die.

I twirled my hair with the pen I always carried. This would be a great plot for a book, after all. I mean, that person in there couldn't possibly help me out with anything...could they?

I sighed and sank into a nearby chair. Being an excellant actress, I had kept a poker face through the explanation. Nobody would suspect me of anyting.

Pacing around the room, I realized I wasn't going to wait for anything. Grabbing my bag, I quietly left the room and snuck down the hall.

What an...interesting game. Definitly frightning. My heart was pounding in my chest...Oh dear...

I closed my eyes and sat in the corner of the room. This can't be happening...it can't be! My wife must be so worried. What time is it? Almost 9:00...

I shouldn't have come. Too much death. One person can't handle all this at once! Oh...but there's two of them...

I nervously bit my nails. What if they find out what I did? What if they know? How does...that person even know?

This room had no windows. I didn't like it. After such a long time of sneaking out them, this was not a good feeling.

I thought about everyone at the table. Madamoiselle Whatever was annoying. Claudia seemed a bit too innocent. Vittoria...was familiar. I didn't trust the teacher man for some reason.

I bit my lip and stared at the wall. This was not good. Not a good situation at all. But if what the person said was true...I needed to win. Badly.

-The Assassins-
They slipped quietly down the hall, stopping halfway and nodding at the other.
"Pick a door, any door, any door at all?" one suggested.
The other hesitated, then pointed to the one nearest to them.
"Got it. Let's go."
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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 8:52 pm

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
The clock struck nine. Everyone filed out of their rooms into the hallway only to stop and gasp. There, in front of the room they were originally in, was Bert. Dead. Next to the body was the myserious figure, who had a smile. "And the first death. Now, enter and discuss." He or she swept their cloak in the direction of the room. The remaining nine slowly entered while staring at the body.


"So...what now?" Jenn asked.
"We-" Paul began. "We start the voting."
"Well, I don't know about you, but I did nothing." Susan said.
"Oh really?" Erikson said in a bored tone.
"Really." she answered with a glare.
"How do we know it wasn't that..person?" Claudia asked.
How do we know it wasn't you? Vittoria thought. I won't say that out loud...don't want anyone getting upset at me. Jake turned to her and raised an eyebrow. He appeared to be thinking the same thing. "I don't think...they...would do that, after the long speech and all."
"But why Bert? Don't we get to know that?!" Jake yelled.
"Hello again."

The figure was greeted with silence. "I just came to share the late Bert's details with you. It could help with you situation now. Oh and this is neither here nor there, but why don't you call me M? Good."
M sat at the empty spot where Bert would be. "Now, Bert's wife, Carmine McDonald, has been stealing jewelry and other valuable items from museams for the past year. She convinced him not to tell, out of 'love' and threats. Sad, isn't it? He was so innocent." M smiled and left.
Mathias clenched his fist. That makes it even worse!
"What's wrong?" Claudia asked him. He looked at her eyes and realized how they were a sparkling green color. He stared, which delayed his answer.
"Yes, 'Mathias'..what is wrong?" Erikson repeated in an accusing voice.
"Nothing!" he shouted back. "I'm fine!"
Susan looked at him. "Hmm...defensive, are we?"
"Wha- no!" he gasped. They think it's me!
"You know, a character in one of my books acted the same way when accused of murder.." Jenn said absentmindedly.
"You're a baker, Mathias? Or...an assassin?" Paul challenged.
"Haven't seen your shop, if it exists," Susan brought up.
"You were in the hall before." Vittoria said quietly.
"What?" Emelia asked.
"He went into the room next to me, at the very end of the hall. I heard a door slam a bit later. You left."
Everyone stared at Mathias. "I-I was...It's not what you think! I-I just-"
"What, had to go to the bathroom?" Jake sneered.
"Exactly!" Mathias shouted back. But he knew by the looks they gave him who they would vote for when asked.

Hiding behind the door again, M snickered. They were already making crazy conclusions based on...well, not much. Fear has already set in. All they want is to get this over with. "Those poor people," M said with an evil grin.
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Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 9:08 pm

9:32 P.M.
Hallway leading to dining room.
Two men carry out Mathias's body. The remaining eight, as well as M, enter the dining room. M settles into the chair- at the head of the table of course- and smiled. "We'll be eating shortly. Now, let's go over your choice, shall we?"
Everyone shifted nervously. In the silence, M's smile grew wider.
"Congratulations, you've killed an innocent."


Vittoria and Emelia covered their faces with their hands. Claudia and Paul gasped. Erikson showed no expression, while Jenn blinked in suprise. Jake looked at M. "How innocent was he? What exactly did he do to land himself here?"
M chuckled. "I was wondering when you'd ask. Our good friend Mathias, the baker, could only afford some old, falling apart building at the edge of town for his shop. Probably why you've never heard of it." He nodded over towards Susan. "This old building previously belonged to an exterminator. There was a left behind bottle of rat poison in the cupboard, and one day, young Mathias was going to bake some cookies."
"Oh my!" Claudia exclaimed, seeing what was coming.
M nodded. "Long story short, at least five people were killed."
"So...he didn't actually murder anyone on purpose?" Vittoria asked.
"Nope! You see, one thing I'm good at is making things seem worse than they are." M grinned. "Oh! How about you all take the time to explore the grounds? Alone, of course. You all know what happens next."
As they silently left the room, all thoughts were on the death, except for Susan's, who wondered how M knew what she had said. She turned to glance at him, but he had dissappeared.
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Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 2:19 am

The killing of an innocent...just like in my first series! Now I know how my main character felt, what a connection! Wait, where am I? Did I hear a splash?

I fanned my face while hurridly moving down the empty corridor. Come on! Somebody had to be here! Look, a window...Who's that?

The door was already open, so it was okay if I went out...right? What an odd garden, no flowers. Just these weeds and vines.

I thought I heard someone coming. Quickly, I pulled my hat down and hurried out the door. Crud. It went outside.
Hey, someone is out here already.

I made my way into what must have been the kitchen. It was old styled like the rest of the house. The only unusual thing was this small vial. What is it? The label says...Poison!? The bottle dropped from my hands and hit the ground with a loud clank! as I screamed.

I'm so afraid...Not only of someone killing me, but them finding out what I had done. I pressed my hands to my ears and shut my eyes, trying to block out the fear. Realizing it was childish, I stopped and hurried away.

I heard the scream as I closed the door of the closet I found. Running to the end of the hallway, all I saw was Paul hurrying away. Hmm...

I looked around the yard I was in. A shed, some weeds, and this lake. A nice lake, though. Not exactly clean, but it's a lake after all.

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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 2:25 am

"Come along, come along!" M said. M held a staff and was waving it around while marching through the garden like Willy Wonka showing his factory to children. But it wasn't children behind him, just a line of scared adults. M had rounded them up and was leading them around the garden. When Claudia had joined the line, Erikson raised an eyebrow. She bit her lip, knowing that he had heard her scream. As they rounded the corner, M continued talking. "And here we have the lake, with the nice--oh dear.."
Everyone looked up and saw, in the lake, Susan's floating body.


"How unfortunate," M frowned. "I suppose you wish to know why Little Miss Susan was here. Been on the run for eight years, she has. The police have been after her for counterfeit. There's a nice little place over here for your votes, take your time."

Jenn closed her eyes. "That was the splash..." she whispered. "It was Susan."
"You heard a splash?" asked Paul.
"She was outside. I saw her from the window, I knew from your hair." Emelia pointed out.
"Who else did you see?" Claudia quietly asked.
"Jake, and....Vittoria. But she was farther away. Jenn was closest to the pond."
"Hold on a second!" Jenn exclaimed. "I wasn't that close!"
"How convenient that you know everybody who was outside." Erikson said. "I heard a scream. But I wasn't close to the garden at all."
"That was me." Claudia said, biting her lip. "I was scared."
"Why?" Vittoria questioned. "Did you see anyone?"
"Then why were you afraid?" Jake wondered.
"I-I just..."
"Stop! We're all scared, whether you admit it or not!" Paul shouted.
"Why are you yelling, Paul? Nervous?" Emelia asked him.
"Why are you so quick to accuse everyone?" Vittoria glared at her.
Anger and accusation had set in. The madness flowed through them all, much like the fear had eaten away their common sense.

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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 2:41 am

It wasn't until thirty minutes later when M called them into the dining room when they found out who got the most votes. Laying across a couch, cup clasped in a cold hand, was Emelia.
M smiled. "It appears some poison was...misplaced in her cup."
Vittoria and Claudia gasped. Erikson looked startled. "P-poison?" he stuttered.
"That's horrible," Paul said.
"Mmm, yes. Well, two of you assassins have done worse...and I do mean two assassins. She was an innocent. You guys are bad at this game." M chuckled.

This is as far as I got on the other site, so it might take a while for the next update. =D
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Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 3:08 pm

Mini Stories of the De Lucas -a family from a larger story idea

Never Speak of It
"I cannot believe him!" Christina's voice echoed through the mansion. She ran down the long staircase and burst into the ballroom. Her father turned and raised an eyebrow. "What is it now, darling?" he asked. Angry tears streamed down her face. "It's Garret! He..he left. Forever." Christina fell onto the piano bench and cried more. Her mother, Maryes, went over to her.
"What do you mean?" she asked worridly.
She sniffed and answered."He left a note. He said he didn't want to be here anymore and that he was taking Alex with him!"
"What?!" Maryes exclaimed."He just took your youngest son?"
"Yes!" Christina said, standing up."Without caring about Erik. What's he going to think about his father taking his younger brother and abandoning us?" She was furious now. "We will never speak Garret's name again! I don't want anyone to talk about him ever! It has to be like...like I was never married!" With this, she turned and left, slamming the doors shut.

Tony ran to Angelina. "Don't do this! I'm the criminal, don't turn yourself in!"
She stayed silent, her blonde hair flowing down and hiding her face. Tony turned to Jilly and Maria to tell them to talk her out of it. The officers in the corner were angry, yet nervous. They knew by now not to mess with them, as they were the best criminal family in the city. They made a deal, to only arrest Tony for his previous crime. They were about to, but Angelina told them to take her instead of her husband. The twins, Liza and Leesa, sat on the couch taking everything in, not speaking. Suddenly, Angelina spoke....in English. "Sacrifice," she said. The officers carried her away. Tony stood, shocked, in the same spot. Jilly put her hand on her brother's shoulder. "It's her decision." she said softly.
"But it shouldn't be," he replied.

((Note: this post will probably be editted as I add more))
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Posts : 158
Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 3:11 pm

Beginning of the End/Becoming Lost/Descent

Vampira fell back on the soft black couch, pulling her hair into a fashionable bun. She grinned and said,"I heard there will be a new someone joining us."
"I suppose so," Weave said. Weave was barefoot, her wavy yellow dress down to her ankles. Her hair was only a few shades of purple lighter than Vampira's gown and matching gloves.
Vampira continued to grin."I only hope they will be a good addition to the Dark Kingdom."
"Of course," Weave responded, uninterested. She tightened her sash around her arms. Crystelo, Weave's dragon, stuck his head through the window and lay it on her lap. Weave felt instantly protected.
Vampira,of course, saw this and chuckled. "Don't forget, I also have a pet." With a snap of her fingers, the roar of the Vanquished echoed through the room. Another smile crept onto Vampira's face, though her eyes were as cold and dangerous as ice. Her fingers wrapped around the deep purple pendant on a chain of blood-red beads."Remember where your loyalties now lie."
Weave closed her eyes and froze. "Yes...I know."

The Flame Guard Leader opened the door and let in the new arrival. Weave and Vampira had joined the others in the grand hall to wait. The twins, Death and Despair, sat silently in the corner. Lost Soul brushed her sparkling, multi colored hair and wore the same plain white dress. A few of the Torn waited in the back.
As the new arrival entered, Lost Soul's wolf-cat hissed angerly. Weave only saw the person's face.
And gasped.

Veronica pushed her blonde hair behind her ears. She was trying to focus on her studying to get into school. For the longest time, girls were not allowed to go. Now they could, if they passed a test. But how could they if they had been denied education? Veronica was almost eighteen and wanted badly to go. Her 15-year-old sister Natalie had passed the test already. Was Veronica jealous? No. Overjoyed.

The two girls were close as close could be. They only had each other. Their mother killed herself when Natalie was five, and their father had been in a horrible accident. Having no other family, they now lived in the only orphanage around. It was old and falling apart, no hopes of repair, much like the girls' lives. One pain after another, despair being their only other companion. How can so much hurt happen to the two orphans?

"I only wish I could remember them," a voice said. Veronica turned and saw Natalie.How she knew Veronica thought of their parents was unknown.
"Do you recall that old saying I told you Father said?"
Natalie paused. " Tell me again."
Veronica recited: "Too much pain and hurt/for us the pair, how about we now/split it and share?, I who remembers/ takes the Death, you the sadness/ the Despair."
Natalie sadly smiled. "I will promise to have the despair...can you handle the death?"
"Why, of course. Anything for you."

They tried, oh they tried. And..it worked. Veronica was always happy after a while, until the memory of Death set in. Natalie didn't know what it was like; she didn't know of any death. Not that she spoke much, for depression and Despair had settled inside her.

But was anything truely inside them? Had their souls been taken after speaking the Words and making the Promise?

D'artagnan stepped into the room. He knew he was pale and weak, his sword almost slipping from his hand, and dragging on the ground. His breathing was heavy and his armor was terribly dull. He slowly looked up and studied the room he was now in. It was a long hall with a large table in the center. At the head of the table sat a woman in a long purple gown smiling at him in a friendly yet evil way, stroking her pendant. She nodded at the guard to shut the door. As the slam echoed through the hall, a wolf-cat creature hissed. A sad woman in a white dress with flowing purple-blue hair shushed it. Two girls sat together in the corner staring blankly at him.
The person he payed the most attention to, though, was the girl next to the woman with the pendant. This girl wrapped her shawl tighter around herself. She was barefoot, and her six blueish wings slightly fluttered. And her face. How suprised she looked, sad even. Her eyes widened as she saw him looking at her. "How..." he thought she mumbled. Something about her seemed...odd. While everyone else in the room had a dark, gloomy feeling to them, this girl seemed to shine like the sun, but while clouds tried to block its light. They are her clouds...
The pendant woman's smile grew. "Ah, D'artagnan Fairchild. Yes, you will be a fine addition here."

He wanted to speak, but the extreme weakness he felt was too much.
"Oh yes, I almost forgot." She waved her hand. At once, D'artagnan felt alive again. His armor gleamed, his face looked twenty years younger, and he gripped his sword with newfound strength. "How..what-" he began.
"You are one of us now," she said. "Forever."
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Join date : 2011-07-28
Age : 27
Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 3:23 pm

Other Mini Stories

This first one combines a character based off of me and the way I predicted a charrie from a book would be(turns out...I was waaayy off xD) only I spelled her name a different way because it was also the name of someone from a cool movie.


"Don't get into any trouble!" Carolynn said, then shut the door.
Lucie muttered something rude under her breath.
"Lucie!" Alissa exclaimed.
She sighed. "Sorry.You know she annoys me."
Alissa giggled."She's probably gotten that enough from the kids. Work there for twenty-five years and try to still be sane." She was referring to Carolynn's job at an orphanage.
"Well...I guess it's nice she came to visit." Lucie said. "But we need to leave the country now."
"To where?" Alissa asked.
"Spain, probably. Unless you want to go to your country, but they might suspect that you'd go there."
Alissa thought for a moment. It would be nice to go back to America, except 'they' could have found out she was from there. 'They' were....well, Alissa didn't know. The only thing she did know was Lucy's mother was one of them, and some of the others could think of Alissa as a friend or foe. Hopefully, Lucie's mom was with the kinder group. She looked over at Lucie. She was about thirty-five, and had never known her parents. She had been taken care of by her now-dead aunt.
What would that feel like, having someone tell you your mother left you as a baby? Alissa herself grew up in America, raised in an orphanage. At four, she somehow snuck on a plane to Scotland. Then, she took a train to England at lived at Carolynn's orphanage. At eight, she again left, going to Italy. Lucie found her and took her in being an outcast herself, feared and hated. They escaped together when Alissa was fourteen from the people forcing Lucie to stay forever in her dead aunt's mansion. Alissa was shot in the shoulder when trying to protect Lucie when she learned of the girl's healing power.
"It makes no sense. I don't know what's wrong with me.Am..am I even human?" Lucie had said, tears in her eyes.
"Of course," Alissa assured her. "And..you're my best friend." It was random at the moment, but Alissa never had friends before. She felt too different.

Lucie understood the feeling.

It Could Happen..

Gabriella and Felix rushed to their father. "Is mother coming home?" they asked him.
Gabriel sighed. "This time...I don't know."
The twins were only six years old, but knew this could happen. There had been many times before when Gabriel had told them either something similar or not to doubt their mother. Suddenly, the door burst open and a woman in ripped clothes with many injuries came in. She dropped her bag and smiled. "I'm back."
The children hugged her, almost crying with joy. Gabriel did as well.
"I-I thought...well..." he began.
"No." Felicity said. "It takes more than that to get rid of me." She gave a slight smile that slipped when she said, "But..you knew it could happen when you married an assassin."

-based off an idea I had from City of Bones(Cassandra Clare), character's real names used.

Maia tried and failed to open her eyes. She realized she could breathe again. "Simon.." was the first thing she said. Simon. Simon. She had to get to Simon. If she didn't...
"Simon.." Maia needed to tell him how she felt. He would feel like that too, he had too. If I don't tell him, she thought, then she will.
And Maia couldn't let that happen. She would not be right for him. She could not be right for anyone. She was..she was..she...
It was getting hard to focus. Maia took a few deep breaths. "I..will.. be better." she whispered. Maia had to be better, a better girlfriend than Clary. She never cared, though she had cared more than her.
We would be so right for each other. It's clear to everyone. How can you picture Simon with anyone else? Impossible!
Maia did not know if these words were in her head, or out loud, or spoken by someone else. She couldn't see. She opened her eyes and saw nothing. No, she didn't open her eyes yet. "What?"
Why was everything like this? What happened? Think! But Maia had no memories, only ones with Simon. Simon? I have to get to Simon!

((I've really strayed from Werewolf, haven't I? XD))
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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 4:03 pm

The Journal

((One of the many possibilities of what could happen to the De Lucas. I have made many variations. The third girl gets her name changed quite a bit, and the second has either one daughter, one daughter and a son, or a son and five daughters. Depends on what happens in the version Wink ))

I thought about the baby again today. If it turns out to be a girl, I want her to have something made by me to pass to her children. So, I began to make a doll. It is much harder than it looks. My talents at sewing are definitely not as good as my talents in crime. I managed its body and what is sort of some hair. Oh well.

Wondrous news! I have been blessed with a son, Antonio. Now I do not have to worry about that old doll anymore, still as it was before.

I look back in this book and see generations of this family, at least the females, tell of their lives. I only married into it, yet Antonio assures me it is alright to add my side. The two of us hope for a child soon. I think my mother-in-law's doll idea is excellent, so I looked for it in the large attic of the main house. I found the poor thing, a thin being with a small amount of hair. I learned a great deal of sewing and such in Paris, so I have tried to fix it up. It now has shining button eyes and curly black hair. May it find more love later on.

Little Carina, not yet even six years of age, has added her mark to the doll. I realized I haven't touched it since before she was born. Carina proudly showed us all the doll's smile sewn in pink stitching. And do you know what my little daughter said? "She is smiling because even though others see her as strange, she knows others love her enough to take care of her." Oh, I hope that doll becomes her closest friend.

How odd that after all these years I finally see this journal. I smile at my grandmother's entry and shine with pride at my mother's. There is so much to tell this book, so much to write down...yet I start with that strange little doll. After weeks of hard work I finished its tiny dress. I made sure to add lots of frills and lace, for I know my daughter will like it. Yes, I am convinced it will be a girl already. But who can I tell this to? Only the journal I now hold. My parents have enough to deal with now, and my grandfather seems to be ill. Grandmother knows, as I do, I will have a girl. I can tell.

There is not much time. Dearest Destine, I pray that you one day see this. I look at you now, my child of two, giggling without a care in the world. I need to leave. Whatever your grandparents tell you is most likely not the truth. I cannot reveal where it is I go, for it is too dangerous. Just know that I must go, and it isn't because of you. It never was, and never will be. I will give you that doll. Love her as I did. And love me. I am so sorry, my angel.

Why do I see this only now? Mother, if I had known! The past years of my life have been spent with an anger, almost hatred, of you. Upon my "grandmother's" death, I learned the ones I called my parents were in fact my grandparents. How could I not have guessed?! They told me only of a mother who left, no reasons at all. My father? They didn't know who! I thought so much about you, things I am ashamed of now. I became...angry? Depressed? Uncontrollable? They eventually sent me to a school miles away. When I returned, not a day over twenty-one, I told them I would soon be a mother. I would have before if not for the miscarrage. Sadly, grandfather died before seeing his great-granddaughter. I fear it was because of me, worrying him so much. When my dearest child was almost two, we fled the country. Only a week later news came to me that grandmamma Maryse had passed away. Again, my fault I fear!
We lived with an old friend who she thought to be her father. When he was in an accident only did I tell my six-year-old of her true family. We had lived under a false surname,and continued to. I taught her to not want anything to do with her family. Even though I know the truth, at least some of it, we will continue to live like this.

My daughter is named Caterina, by the way(she is eight now). An odd thing: as I told her the story of our family, she was trying to give the doll I loved so much a pair of shoes. By the story's end, she had put it down. I never wanted her to find that, as I never want her to find this. If it makes this sad entry any better, I sewed little pink cheeks on it five years ago.
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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 6:05 pm

A part of a regular day inRoses and Thorns, before things got too crazy and they were still in school.

Alice looked up in suprise as Rachel came zooming down the hall with Obie at her heels.
"What did you do now?" she asked her two friends.
"SHH! She's coming!" Obie said as he and Rachel crouched behind the trash cans.
"Ms. Cooper!" yelled a voice.
Alice spun around and faced her headmistress, a tall woman in her fifties with grey streaked hair. "Yes Headmistress Kiara?"
The teacher glared down at the girl. "Do you happen to know the locations of Mr. O'Malley and Ms. McMillin?"
"Obie and Rachel? What did they do now?" Alice asked, trying to avoid the question.
"Oh, just their usual shennanagins. They ran off once I came out of my office. I know it was them!"
"Ah. Well, you know that big cabinet by the cafeteria waiting to go into storage? They mentioned that would be a good hiding spot."
"Of course!" With that, she stormed away. Once the coast was clear, the two troublemakers crept out of their hiding spot.
"Nice one, Alice!" Rachel grinned.
"Yeah, you saved our butts," Obie said as he tousled her hair.
"I usually have to," Alice replied. "Now, what happened?"
"Well...I miiiight have switched her computer backround to My Little Pony..." Rachel began.
"That's not too bad."
"And I may have accidently threw water balloons filled with salsa at her car..." Obie finished.
"Good one."
"Guuuuys!" It....is...official!" yelled someone from behind. A girl with brown hair who looked sweaty and tired fell onto the floor next to them. "Our gym teachers are trying to kill us."
"You just figured that out now?" Obie asked.

((To be continued after Werewolf))
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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyFri Aug 05, 2011 2:28 am

((Can't sleep...feel like writing more))

Roses and Thorns Ordinary Day cont.

"Coach Johnson makes you run laps, then when you're finally done, Miss Lennon forces you to do push ups! Torture. Complete torture." she groaned.
"Poor Emily," Rachel said.
"Speaking of torure," said Allegra as she walked over, "algebra today was horrible."
"Mr. Hayes scares me," she replied. "He's so....creepy."
"Well, I'm going to gym. Obie, Rachel, you ready?" Alice asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be..."

"I...hate...this," Rachel panted. After trying to run, failing, falling, and much yelling, she was back on her feet with three more laps to go. Alice was jogging next to her, but she was almost on the last lap.
"It's not that bad. Keep breathing," she encouraged her friend.
"Easy for you to say..."
As they approached the start/finish line, Miss Lennon, a tall woman who looked like she worked out, pulled Rachel aside. "This obviously isn't going so well."
"Yeah, I'll say."
"PUSH UPS! NOW! 50 of them!"
Her complaint was overlapped by sudden cheers. Obie had caught up to Alice and grinned.
"So, how's about a little race?"
"You know it." Alice matched his grin. "Prepare to lose!"
This sort of thing was famous at the school. Obie vs Alice was the highlight of gym class.
They began slowly jogging, but sped up at the first turn of the track. Obie broke into a run on turn 2, but tired out, causing Alice to get the upper hand before the next curve. For a few seconds, they seemed to be exactly next to each other. Alice pulled ahead at the last second and cheers erupted.
"Nice going, Cooper! O'Malley! You need more practice! Two more laps," shouted Coach Johnson.
"Good one! I knew you could do it!" Miss Lennon slapped her on the back. Alice winced, yet smiled.
"Thanks. Ow. Uhm, it seems Obie's going to be late for science."
"Haha! He has to sit up front! I hope something explodes," Rachel grinned.
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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyFri Aug 05, 2011 3:22 am

"Ok..ok...hold on...umm...wait....Oh! Oh...well....it's here somewhere...what am I looking for?"

Every student in the room groaned. The same thing happened every single day: Ms. Orwell came late, explained a confusing experiment, forgot what to do, ran around confused for half the period, then something exploded. Emily turned to Alice, who was sitting in the back row.
What is she doing? she mouthed.
I have no idea. she mouthed back.
"I heard her mention something about acid. That doesn't sound good," Emily whispered.
"Does she even know what she's adding to that?"
"Okay! I think I've figured it out!" Ms. Orwell cried. She readjusted her goggles. "I need some help."
A scraping sound echoed through the room as all the desks were scooted farther away from her.
"How about...Obie?"
His eyes widened. "Erm...I recently helped."
"That was weeks ago!"
"Yeah....my eyebrows just grew back, so...."
"Oh, come on!" She gestered towards the experiment. He inhaled deeply and shot a 'save me' look at his friends, who shrugged.
"He was a good person," Emily muttered. "Annoying, but good."
"Come on, Em. He's not dead....yet."
"You know, we should have some faith in her. She's a teacher after all, and s-"
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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyFri Aug 05, 2011 2:28 pm

Allegra stopped jogging around the track and walked over to the parking lot, where the entire student body was lining up until the fire department came to put out the explosion in the science room.
"She blew something up again?" she asked with a grin.
"Yep," Emily answered. "There was fire this time. It was kinda cool."
"I think I got burnt," Obie mumbled, looking at his arm.
"Hey, there's Rachel!" Alice said, pointing. Rachel seperated from the Spanish class and hurried over to them.
"Senorita isn't in the greatest mood," she told them.
"Yeah, someone wrote something mean about her in Spanish, left in on Mademoiselle Laroche's desk, wrote the same thing in French about her and put in on Senorita Ortiz's desk. When the two of them found each other to translate, well.."
"Oh no!" Alice exclaimed.
"Yeah...why didn't I think of that?"
Emily elbowed Rachel in the side. "Meanie. Look, we're going in. See you all in history."
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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptyFri Aug 05, 2011 7:18 pm

"What do you want now, Allegra?" Headmistress Kiara groaned. Normally, students dreaded history class with Kiara, but not this class. That was all thanks to Allegra, who cleared her throat. "Well, I was just wondering...why exactly do I have to learn American history?"
Their teacher sighed heavily. "We've been over this many times before. What country are you currently living in?"
"Maybe it's not the one I'm going to live in tomorrow. Or next week. Or next year! What good is all this stuff going to do me if I'm not even living here?!"
The other students supressed laughter as she continued her rant; Kiara becoming angrier and angrier.
"That's enough! I don't want to hear 'Why exactly do I need to learn American history' from you ever again!"
"Yes ma'm."
Emily raised her hand. "Excuse me, Miss Kiara?" she asked, emphasizing her accent.
"Why exactly do I need to learn American history?"

Last edited by Supersonic on Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Location : A school for super villains in a volcano on a mysterious island...

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PostSubject: Re: Supersonic's Various Stories   Supersonic's Various Stories EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 2:16 am

Werewolf- The Murder Mystery cont.

Jenn closed her eyes tightly. "I can't stand this! I-I have to leave for a moment."
She burst through the back door back into the house, and a chill came over her. "Why did I come back in here," she said aloud to herself. "This place is evil."
More slowly this time, she made her way around the bottom floor, being careful to avoid the hallway where Bert died and the dining room where Emelia still lay.
Something caught her interest: a plain white door. Everything in the mansion looked expensive and beautifully crafted, while this door looked like it was made by an inexperianced carpenter in a hurry. It creaked open at her slightest touch, and she hesitantly entered.

Unfortunatly for her, she didn't notice when someone silently slipped in behind her with a knife.


"Jenn was recieving death threats for months."
The remaining five sat in an extremely grey sitting room. The drapes were grey, the carpet was grey, the overstuffed chairs were grey, and the tattered throw pillows gave the impression that the room was used to deliver bad news. Why not bring us here in the first place? they all thought.
"Coincidentally, so was Emelia." M continued. "The author wrote some pretty controversial story that offended some insane person. That actress lied and blackmailed her way to the top, and someone got tired of it. Now, all that's left is out lovesick couple, vigilante, and two assassins."
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