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 General and Roleplay Rules

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Posts : 28
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere around here.

General and Roleplay Rules Empty
PostSubject: General and Roleplay Rules   General and Roleplay Rules EmptyMon Jul 25, 2011 9:07 pm

General Rules
Rule I
Respect Others, the Site, and Yourself.
It is important that everyone is happy around here.

Rule II
What the Administrator and Moderators say goes.
Unless they are joking, they are just doing their job.

Rule III
Keep All Content PG-13 to Teen.
If you want to have a Mature 16+ conversation, do it in Private Messages, the staff won't stop you as long as it is in a Private Message.

Rule IV
Don't be overly dramatic.
It may sound like a stupid rule to you, but some people are dramatic.The idea of a drama section is hanging in midair, so it might happen, or it might not.
We get you're having a rough time, but people being in a bad mood can bring others down, too.

Rule V
Don't Steal Artwork.
Everybody has artwork copyrighted to them, it's not far for a person who worked so hard to have their art stolen.If you want to show us, post it in the lounge, not in the galleries and make sure to link back to the original owner or say (C) to [Artist's name goes here].

Rule VI
Don't Black Mail or Cyberbully.
This goes along with Rule I.It's not fair to anyone to be bullied, people have feelings and can be sensitive.We all know what being bullied is like, don't deny it.You shouldn't take out your anger on innocent people, it's not right.

[These Rules Apply Everywhere on the Site, Including the Roleplay Category and the Chat Box]

Roleplay Rules
Rule I
Follow the General Site Rules before anything else.

Rule II
No Godmodding or Powerplay.
Minor Actions are allowed, unless the Creator of the Roleplay says otherwise.
Nothing like swinging punches or anything.
For Example:
Say You have a Character named Steven and another person has a Character named Joey.
No- Steven was walking along.He bumped into Joey and fell down.Standing up, he dusted himself off and quickly apologized.Joey wasn't going to take that apology and punched Steven, the two began to fight and attack each other.
Yes- Steven was walking along.He bumped into Joey and fell down.Standing up, he dusted himself off and quickly apologized.Joey nodded his head, accepting the apology.Steven headed on his way.

Rule III
No Gravedigging.
If a Topic has not been Posted on in three to four weeks, the topic is dead.No one may post on it after that time and it will be locked and/or deleted after the Creator is informed.

Rule IV
No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues.
That means no character is perfect.No character will come out of a battle unharmed unless they were standing by and watching.

Depending on the Rule broken, a member may be warned.

Depending on the Rule broken, a member can be banned for a week or for life.
Bannings also begin to occur after a set amount of warnings.
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